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My Boyfriend’s Snapchat Score Keeps Going Up

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  • Reading time:13 mins read
  • Post last modified:March 7, 2023

I’ve been getting really upset lately because my boyfriend’s Snapchat score keeps going up every day, and I know he is cheating on me. I keep asking him why he needs so much attention and why he needs to show off all this time, but he doesn’t seem to understand what I am talking about.

My Boyfriend's Snapchat Score Keeps Going Up
My Boyfriend’s Snapchat Score Keeps Going Up

To make things worse, his score is always the last thing that shows up on the Snapchat stories before it disappears. This stupid app means everything to him, yet he doesn’t even know how (or care) that it hurts me to look at it.

My Boyfriend’s Snapchat Score Keeps Going Up

My world is slowly fading away because of him and his score. I’ve never felt so lonely in my life, but there’s nothing I can do about it. His Snapchat score comes first, no matter what.

I thought he wasn’t seeing other girls, but the truth is he takes pictures with them 24/7 and lets everyone know that they are his favourite girl on Snapchat. This makes me sick to my stomach, and it just proves to me that our relationship doesn’t mean anything to him anymore.

He has everything he ever wanted:

a high Snapchat score, an endless amount of affection from girls worldwide, fame from posting new stories every day, and more attractive friends than anyone could ask for. What else do you need?

I sometimes wish I was never born because I cannot compete with this white trash girl living in some small town who has so many pictures of herself looking like trash. She makes me want to vomit just by seeing her snap story. It’s not even fair anymore because she doesn’t even know what life is like. She is quite possibly the most annoying person on the Internet, and yet people enjoy seeing her stories on my boyfriend’s Snapchat score every day.

My boyfriend will never notice how much he hurts me because his ego consumes him 24/7. Even today, he told me that all I ever do is sit around and wait for him, but he doesn’t understand at all that everything has been ruined for me because of that stupid app. I’ve tried to explain it to him many times, but he won’t listen and tells me that Snapchat doesn’t mean anything at all to him.

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Why does my boyfriend’s Snapchat score keep going up?

I know it’s not just his friends adding him on Snapchat, the numbers are getting higher, and he is not showing any interest in my life at all.

When he comes to bed late at night, I ask him why his score keeps going up, and all he says is that he doesn’t know what’s happening.

I’m thinking of moving out and finding other people who have more respect for me than my boyfriend has right now. It hurts so much knowing that someone can be this selfish, but at the same time, it hurts even more because I still love him so much.

One day, he told me how a hot ballet girl added him on Snapchat, and then one week later, she went to a party with her friends, and some other guys were walking around taking pictures with her on Snapchat. She didn’t even bother adding them back. She just used them for her own selfish needs.

I’ve never seen my boyfriend hurt so much in his life, but now I think it’s time to face the facts and realize that he is hurting me more than anything right now, and I can’t take this anymore. That’s why I decided to write this article today and tell girls.

My boyfriend doesn’t use Snapchat, but his points keep increasing by the second, and he is always bragging about it.

What’s worse, when I send him snaps that I am genuinely excited about or share a good experience with him, I want to remember. He checks his points before sending a simple reply like ‘very nice’ or ‘cool.’ I wish he would spend some time focusing on me, not that thing.

I can’t tell if he is going to dump me or not. All I know is that no matter how hard I try to make him happy, the only thing that makes him feel good about himself is his Snapchat score.

My boyfriend’s score keeps increasing every day, and I don’t know why.

I wish I knew what he is doing so that maybe then I can understand him better and how to help him. For now, I’ll google what other guys are doing to raise their Snapchat scores in a desperate attempt to understand why mine is doing the same.

My Boyfriend’s Score Keeps Increasing Every Day
My Boyfriend’s Score Keeps Increasing Every Day

What does your boyfriend do to increase his Snapchat score? Let me know in the comments below!

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7ways your boyfriend can use Snapchat without gaining any points in return.

1) Draw a self-portrait

2) Create collaboration with someone else by posting a snap of their face and yours.

3) Take a video of your pet or the inside of your home.

4) Send 10 snaps in one day to different people.

5) Post a funny snap that will likely increase your score due to the laughs it generates.

6) Post a snap wearing sunglasses.

7) Send 10 selfies in one day to different users.

Guys with high Snapchat scores

Guys with high Snapchat scores are typically desirable and attractive because of how people view them. To get a high Snapchat score, guys have to send 10 snaps in one day to 10 different people or do something humorous.

Checking your boyfriend’s Snapchat score

Throughout your relationship, your relationship will help you understand who your boyfriend is and what he likes. It can also be great for getting in tune with your partner’s life and what he is doing when you’re not around.

Checking Your Boyfriend’s Snapchat Score
Checking Your Boyfriend’s Snapchat Score

Checking your boyfriend’s Snapchat score will allow you to see if he is doing what he says. This can be a good thing because it will show you how much time your boyfriend spends on Snapchat and who his friends are.

So, guys need to keep their scores as high as possible so that they can remain desirable and attractive in the eyes of others. But why do guys spend so much time on Snapchat? Why do they need to be the best and most popular guy on there?

Well, boys want to show off how amazing their life is to make girls interested in them. They also think it’s a huge competition and that the one with the highest score wins.

Girls with high Snapchat scores:

Girls are trying to gain more points on Snapchat constantly without realizing why they are even doing it. If a girl’s score is higher than your boyfriend’s and she still isn’t dating him, then you should think about why that is. It would be best if you also started worrying about her presence in his life and the impact she has on his decisions.

How can I raise my Snapchat score?

You can’t raise your Snapchat score unless you are a celebrity or popular influencer. And even then, there’s no guarantee it will work because so many people are trying the same tactic.

The only way to increase your score is by having friends send you snaps, replying with a snap of your own, and then sending another one back. This method will take time, but it’s the only way to guarantee that you won’t lose some points.

Is he cheating if his Snapchat score keeps going up?

If your boyfriend’s Snapchat score keeps going up, then he is probably cheating on you. It doesn’t necessarily mean that he has actually cheated, but his score increases abnormally, making it likely that he has had multiple Snapchat relationships.

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Can someone’s SNAP score go up if they aren’t active?

Yes, their score can go up even if they aren’t active. It all depends on what snapping habits they have.

My boyfriend’s snapchat score keeps going up, and I know he is cheating on me. 

What should I do?

Here are some tips we can give you that might help: 

1) Talk to him about it 

2) See if he has been talking to any girls online or on social media 

3) Find out his snapchat username 

4) If all else fails, break up with him. My boyfriend doesn’t use Snapchat, but his points keep increasing by the second, and he is always bragging about it. What’s worse, when I send him snaps that I am genuinely excited about or sharing a good experience with him that I want to remember, he checks his points before sending a simple reply like ‘very nice’ or ‘cool’. I wish he would spend some time focusing on me, not that thing.

I can’t tell if he will dump me or not. All I know is that no matter how hard I try to make him happy, the only thing that makes him feel good about himself is his Snapchat score.

Can snap score randomly go up?

Yes, it can, but that would depend on why his score is rising. If he is sending 10+ snaps a day to other people, then yes, his score could go up. However, if he is sending 10+ selfies a day to other people, it would not affect his score.

How does someone’s SNAP score go up so fast?

If someone is sending 10+ selfies to multiple people, it will cause his score to rise quickly. Also, if he is sending 10+ snaps a day to multiple people, his score would increase.


While it’s understandable that you want to know what your boyfriend is doing to increase his Snapchat score, the best thing for you to do is talk with him about how he feels. It sounds like there might be some underlying issues going on which are causing him stress and anxiety. If you can reach out and support him through this rough patch, maybe he will turn back around and start caring more about himself and, by extension, also care more about you!

If you can’t talk to him about it, try logging into his account and checking out what he is doing. Ensure to clear your history after scrolling through all the snaps he has sent since 8 am or whatever time frame you would like to view his activity.

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Leslie May
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Leslie May

Hi, I am Leslie B. May. I am a relationship expert with several years of experience. I run this blog to support people with different types of relationship problems and issues. In addition, I help people to get rid of psychological problems with simple but descriptive guides. Moreover, I love to write about tips and suggestions about relationships and help people decide wisely.