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7 Signs of a Female Narcissist: From Seduction to Manipulation

Hey there, curious soul! Ever bumped into someone and thought, “Wow, she sure thinks highly of herself?” We all have. In this vibrant world of personalities, it’s hard not to cross paths with those who seem a tad too into themselves. But how do we differentiate between a simple show of confidence and a deeper-rooted issue? Specifically, how can we spot the “7 signs of a female narcissist”? Sounds interesting? Well, you’re in the right place! We’re diving deep into this world, exploring every nook and cranny. Buckle up; it’s going to be an enlightening ride!

Table of Contents

What is Narcissism?

Picture this: it’s a sunny day, and you’re at a cafe with friends. Everyone’s laughing, sharing stories, and there’s that one friend who just can’t stop talking about… well, herself. Ring a bell? That’s what got me thinking about narcissism. It’s not just a fancy term psychologists use; it’s something many of us encounter daily.

For our female friends, displaying confidence is fantastic! But there’s a thin line between healthy self-love and being a female narcissist. As we journey through the “7 signs of a female narcissist”, it’ll be like connecting the dots. Trust me; by the end, you’ll have a few “Aha!” moments.

What is Narcissism?
What is Narcissism?

Types of Narcissism

Alright, let’s spill some beans! Not all narcissism is the same. Think of it like ice cream flavors. Some are overtly rich (like double-chocolate fudge), while others are subtler yet equally enticing (maybe a delicate vanilla bean?). In the world of narcissism, we have two main flavors: overt and covert. To truly understand the “7 signs of a female narcissist”, it’s essential to get a taste of both.

Overt Narcissism

Imagine someone entering a room, and it feels like they’ve brought their spotlight. That’s your overt female narcissist! She’s dazzling, always has an enthralling tale to share (where she’s the star, of course!), and boy, does she love compliments. But, and here’s the twist, she might crumble if someone isn’t singing her praises. Intriguing, right?

To define the word “Overt Narcissism” we should say that Overt narcissism is when someone is pretty obvious about their need for attention and admiration. These folks tend to openly show off their accomplishments, seek constant praise, and believe they’re superior to others. They might not be very subtle about their self-centeredness and often expect special treatment. In a nutshell, it’s like having a “me, me, me” attitude that’s hard to miss.

Covert Narcissism

Now, think of someone who’s always got that “woe is me” tune playing. She believes she’s the unsung hero, the backstage genius forever awaiting her standing ovation. That, my friend, is the covert female narcissist. She’s not as flashy as her overt counterpart but is equally fascinating in her world of subtle self-importance.

In other words, Covert narcissism is when someone has an inflated sense of self-importance and a deep need for admiration, just like regular narcissism, but they hide it really well. These individuals may come across as humble or even shy on the surface, but underneath, they often have a strong desire for attention, validation, and control. They might use subtle tactics to manipulate and gain the upper hand in relationships, making it tricky to spot their narcissistic tendencies. In essence, it’s like having a hidden ego that can be quite challenging to detect.

Who is a Narcissist?

Now, here’s where it gets juicy. Have you ever watched those detective shows where they profile the mysterious antagonist? Think of this as our detective moment. We’re about to profile the narcissist.

At its essence, a narcissist isn’t just someone who takes a few too many selfies or talks about themselves a bit much at parties. It goes deeper. They have an exaggerated sense of self-importance and, often, a genuine lack of understanding or empathy towards others. Imagine that one friend who always shifts every conversation back to her experiences, no matter the topic. Starting to get the picture?

Who is a Narcissist?
Who is a Narcissist?

However, it’s crucial to note that not everyone who exhibits a few narcissistic traits is a full-blown narcissist. It’s a spectrum, and many of us might land somewhere on it without fully swinging to the extreme. But, to truly get to the heart of the “7 signs of a female narcissist”, understanding the archetype is key.

What does Medical Science Say About Narcissism?

Alright, pop quiz! Did you know narcissism isn’t just our way of labeling folks who seem too into themselves? Medical science has actually dived deep into it. Let’s wear our geek glasses and dig in!

The world of psychiatry classifies Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD) as a legitimate condition. It’s not just about being self-absorbed. It’s about consistently overestimating one’s abilities, craving constant admiration, and having volatile relationships. And the cherry on top? A genuine lack of remorse.

But here’s a fun twist – while it sounds pretty intense, the origins of narcissism are often rooted in low self-esteem. Yes, you heard that right! Behind that façade of overconfidence could be a fragile ego, easily bruised and continuously seeking validation.

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Male Vs Female Narcissist

Now, let’s talk about the gents for a second. While our main focus is understanding the “7 signs of a female narcissist”, it’s interesting to see how the guys compare.

You see, male narcissists often manifest their traits differently. They might be more aggressive, more overtly domineering. Women, on the other hand, might employ subtler tactics, perhaps using charm or victimhood as tools. Of course, these are broad strokes, and everyone has a unique cocktail of traits. However, understanding these general differences offers a fuller picture of the female narcissist’s landscape.

7 Signs of a Female Narcissist

When you hear about narcissism, there’s often a particular image or stereotype that pops into your mind. But let’s debunk the myths and dive into the authentic, intricate nuances of what makes a female narcissist. Here are the “7 signs of a female narcissist” you should be familiar with:

7 Signs of a Female Narcissist
7 Signs of a Female Narcissist

She Never Apologizes

You know, we all goof up sometimes – it’s human! But the hallmark of growth is accepting your mistakes and learning. Enter the female narcissist. For her, admitting a mistake feels like a cardinal sin. It’s not just about protecting her ego; it’s about preserving a flawless facade. She’ll twist words, manipulate the narrative, and even gaslight others into believing she was never in the wrong. And this is how an important sign of narcissism becomes visible in front of our eyes.

She is Self-Centered

Genuine self-love is beautiful and empowering. But there’s a stark difference between appreciating oneself and being utterly self-absorbed. Every story, every conversation, no matter its origin, will wind its way back to her. It’s almost an art form for her: the art of making everything about herself. In other words, It’s essentially a mindset where “I” or “me” takes precedence over “we” or “us” in every interaction and decision-making. Additionally, she tends to prioritize her desires and well-being above those of others and may have difficulty considering or empathizing with the feelings and needs of others.

She is Super Competitive:

Competition can be healthy. It can push us to achieve more. But when the spirit of competition transforms into an obsession, red flags should go up. For the female narcissist, every situation is a battleground. Whether it’s work achievements, personal stories, or even the number of social media likes – she has to outshine everyone. However, this type of competitiveness can be defined as a major sign among the 7 signs of a female narcissist. So, if you see an unnatural competitiveness in your female friend, you should be more careful before entering into a relationship with her.

She is Always Concerned About Her Looks

Personal grooming and wanting to look one’s best is natural. Because everyone (especially women) always wants to look beautiful and gorgeous in the eyes of the whole world. But the female narcissist’s preoccupation with her appearance stems from a deeper need for constant admiration. She dresses not for herself, but for the audience she hopes to captivate. Well, it’s not only about dresses, her makeup, fashion, hairstyles, nails – everything is adorned to draw the attention of others. It’s all about external validation. Moreover, the female narcissist has a gut feeling that she is the most beautiful queen in the whole world while the others are less beautiful and attractive.

She Can Flirt with Anyone

Flirting can be playful and fun, but when it’s used as a tool for validation, it becomes a tad problematic. The female narcissist flirts not out of genuine interest but to affirm her desirability. She thrives on feeling wanted, even if she has no intention of pursuing anything deeper. Moreover, general people flirt only with them for whom they feel genuine interest. On the other hand, the female narcissist flirts randomly without any genuine interest. Because they just want to fulfill their personal interest through her flirting.

She Lacks Empathy for Others

Empathy – the beautiful ability to understand and share the feelings of another. Unfortunately, this is often missing in a female narcissist’s emotional toolkit. While she demands understanding and sensitivity towards her feelings, she offers little in return, often dismissing or trivializing others’ emotions. Sometimes, they also show fake empathy to others which is more dangerous than lacking empathy. So, when you see this personality trait in any of your female friends, you can classify her as a female narcissist. This is why you should be more careful before entering into a relationship with this type of woman.

She is Super Egoistic

While a healthy dose of confidence can drive one to achieve great things, an inflated ego can be blinding. The female narcissist views herself through rose-tinted glasses, often disregarding feedback and perceiving herself as above others. It’s not mere confidence; it’s an overinflated sense of self-worth.

By now, you might be drawing parallels or recalling past encounters that fit the bill. Recognizing these “7 signs of a female narcissist” is the first step. The real challenge, and perhaps the topic for another enlightening chat, is how to navigate relationships with such individuals.

Some Other Signs of a Female Narcissist

Peeling back the layers, let’s dive deeper into the intriguing, sometimes puzzling world of female narcissism. While the 7 signs of a female narcissist offer a starting point, there’s a myriad of other subtleties that provide more insight. Recognizing these can be a beacon of understanding in the sometimes turbulent sea of human relationships.

Signs of a Female Narcissist
Signs of a Female Narcissist

She is Drop-Dead Gorgeous

It’s not uncommon to meet someone who likes to look good, right? We all have our moments! But with female narcissists, this “moment” stretches into hours, dominating a significant chunk of their daily lives. They don’t just love to look in the mirror; they live for it. Their day often revolves around perfecting that selfie angle, experimenting with makeup, or discussing their latest beauty routine. You might frequently hear them drop casual comments about how they’re often mistaken for a model or actress. It’s less about self-love and more about seeking a stage and an audience.

She Exaggerates Her Achievements

Everyone loves a pat on the back now and then. But for the female narcissist, this pat isn’t just wanted; it’s a dire need. They’re the heroes of their stories, often making mountains out of molehills. A minor contribution to a group project suddenly becomes the backbone of its success. They want you to believe they’re unparalleled, even if the truth is a tad (or a lot!) different.

She Looks Down on Others

We’ve all had our moments of feeling a tad superior, haven’t we? Maybe after taking an exam or getting that promotion? But with female narcissists, this is a chronic state. They seem to view the world from a self-made pedestal. Conversations with them often revolve around the ‘inefficiencies’ and ‘inadequacies’ of others. This isn’t just an occasional slip but a deeply ingrained perspective.

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She Has Very Few Female Friends

Friendships are a treasure. But for the female narcissist, forming genuine bonds, especially with other women, can be a challenge. Their competitive edge, coupled with their need to be the center of attention, often leads to friction. It’s not uncommon for them to state that they “prefer male company” or “find other women too dramatic.”

She Always Expects Special Favors

Imagine expecting VIP treatment… all the time. For the female narcissist, the world is her oyster, and she’s the pearl. She often anticipates special favors, from small gestures like being allowed to cut in line to more significant ones like expecting friends to change plans to suit her whims.

She Can’t Take “No” for an Answer

Ever met someone who seems allergic to the word “no”? Female narcissists, in their pursuit of admiration and control, often struggle to accept rejection or refusal. Let’s set the scene: imagine suggesting a different restaurant than the one she picked or deciding not to lend her that dress she’s been eyeing. The aftermath? A potential storm of sulking, persuasion attempts, or even outright confrontation. While most of us appreciate compromise, for the female narcissist, compromise feels like a defeat. And they’re not in the game to lose.

She Prefers Manipulation to Compromise

Speaking of compromise, it’s often seen as a strength, a sign of maturity in relationships. But for female narcissists, manipulation is often their go-to strategy. Why settle for a middle ground when you can twist things in your favor, right? They’re adept at emotional blackmail, guilt-tripping, or playing the victim card. It’s like they have a toolbox of manipulative tactics, always on standby.

She Can Do Everything to Draw Attention

Every party has that one person – the one who laughs just a bit louder tells stories that sound more like blockbuster scripts or wears something so flashy it’s blinding. Often, this is the female narcissist making her presence unmistakably known. Whether it’s by dramatic tales, flamboyant outfits, or even causing a scene, she thrives when all eyes are on her. For her, any attention, even if it’s for the wrong reasons, is good attention.

She is Vindictive

Hell hath no fury like a female narcissist scorned. If they feel slighted or believe someone has overshadowed them, they can harbor a grudge like a pro. While most of us might feel hurt or upset, they’re plotting their ‘revenge.’ It could be through passive-aggressive actions, spreading rumors, or even direct confrontation. Their vendetta isn’t just emotional; it’s personal.

She is a Pathological Liar

Lying, for most of us, is a last resort. But for the female narcissist, it’s almost second nature. Whether it’s to paint themselves in a better light, escape responsibility, or cause drama, they often bend the truth or recreate it. What’s baffling is their conviction – they lie with such authority that even the most discerning individual might start doubting the truth.

She is Always Busy in Building a Fake Image

Life can sometimes feel like a stage, and for the female narcissist, it’s always showtime. Picture this: constantly curating the perfect image, whether it’s the barrage of ‘candid’ Instagram photos or the tales of their so-called escapades. They’re not just building a façade for others, but often for themselves as well. You might notice they frequently change stories, contradict themselves, or are obsessed with how they’re perceived. Behind that immaculate image, though, often lies a web of insecurities and a desperate yearning for validation.

She is Always Busy in Building a Fake Image
She is Always Busy in Building a Fake Image

She is Bad as a Long-Time Partner

While they might be the life of the party and exciting short-term flings, female narcissists can be tumultuous long-term partners. Ever been on a roller-coaster? That’s the relationship in a nutshell. Highs that touch the sky with passion and excitement, swiftly followed by lows marked by arguments, jealousy, and manipulation. Their needs and desires often eclipse everything else, making it a challenge for mutual growth and understanding in the relationship.

She is Super Reactive to Criticism

Remember the last time you tried assembling something without the manual, and someone pointed out a tiny mistake? Frustrating, right? Now, magnify that frustration tenfold. That’s a female narcissist reacting to even the slightest criticism. Instead of viewing it as constructive feedback, they often see it as a direct attack on their character. It’s less about the actual critique and more about the perceived slight against their infallibility.

All of Her Conversations Revolve Around Her

We all love a good chat about our day, our dreams, or even that weird dream from last night. But with female narcissists, the conversation takes a U-turn back to them. No matter the topic, they have a knack for steering the conversation toward their favorite subject: themselves. Their achievements, their struggles, their everything. It’s like being trapped in a radio station that plays just one song on repeat.

She Cannot Admire Others

True admiration is a beautiful thing. It allows us to recognize and appreciate the beauty, talent, or intelligence in others. However, for the female narcissist, admiration often feels like a zero-sum game. If someone else is getting praise, it must mean they’re losing out. Instead of genuine compliments, you might hear backhanded ones or attempts to downplay others’ achievements.

She Enjoys Exploiting Others

Have you ever felt like someone’s personal ATM or an emotional punching bag? With a female narcissist, you might just become that. They have a remarkable talent for making you feel indispensable, yet only for serving their own needs. Be it for money, connections, or emotional support, she knows just which strings to pull. And here’s the kicker: once she gets what she desires, the importance she placed on you vanishes, leaving you feeling used. It’s like being a cog in the grand machine of their life, indispensable yet entirely replaceable.

She is Super Jealous

Ah, the green-eyed monster! It doesn’t just lurk; it roars in the world of a female narcissist. Remember your friend who couldn’t stand your new watch, because hers wasn’t as fancy? That’s the narcissist’s mindset but on steroids. Every success, be it yours or someone else’s, feels like a direct challenge to her superiority. Instead of celebrating with you, she’s probably calculating how to outdo or undermine you. It’s a never-ending game of one-upmanship.

How Does Female Narcissism Develop?

Understanding the complexities of human behavior can sometimes feel like trying to solve a giant puzzle, right? With the keyword ‘7 signs of a female narcissist’ in mind, let’s delve into the causes behind female narcissism. Because, as they say, understanding is the first step to acceptance.

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Childhood Experiences

Childhood, a phase that acts as the foundation of our adult lives, plays a pivotal role in personality development. Many female narcissists might have had a golden childhood, where they were the apple of everyone’s eye. These early years of excessive attention or, interestingly enough, stark neglect can shape their need for validation in adulthood. If they were accustomed to constant praise, its absence in later life can be jarring. And if they faced neglect, their adult life might be spent chasing the admiration they missed out on.

Experiences of Severe Criticism

Ironically, the other extreme can also lead to narcissism. Constantly being put down or facing undue criticism can make one develop a defensive, inflated ego. It becomes a coping mechanism, a way to tell themselves that they’re better than what others perceive them to be.

Societal Pressures

We’re living in an era of picture-perfect lives showcased on social media. Scroll down your Instagram or Facebook feed, and it’s flooded with people traveling to exotic destinations, attending posh parties, or just living their ‘best life’. But hey, let’s be real for a moment. Don’t we all have those ‘not-so-glam’ days, lounging in our PJs, munching on leftovers, and binge-watching a series? But that’s rarely the story we share, right?

Societal Pressures Helps develop narcissism
Societal Pressures Helps develop narcissism

This societal push for perfection can unknowingly coax people, especially vulnerable ones, into a narcissistic spiral. The race to get the most ‘likes’, ‘shares’, or ‘comments’ can create an artificial self-worth metric. And for the budding female narcissist, it’s a tempting playground. The constant need for validation and fear of not ‘measuring up’ can push her to curate a persona that might be far from her true self. Behind those filtered photos might be a sea of insecurities, seeking validation from virtual thumbs-ups.

Relationship Patterns

We’ve all had our share of heartbreaks and love stories, haven’t we? Relationships can leave profound imprints on our minds. A history of tumultuous relationships, consistent betrayal, or even prolonged admiration can influence a female’s narcissistic tendencies. If they’ve always been the center of attention, any deviation feels like an anomaly.

Why Relationship with a Female Narcissist Can Be Toxic?

It’s an Emotional Roller-Coaster

Imagine being on a never-ending theme park ride. Thrilling? Yes. Exhausting? Absolutely. Being with a female narcissist is akin to that. One moment, you’re the apple of her eye, and the next, you might be the villain in her story. There’s no consistency, only unpredictability. Over time, this can take a toll on one’s mental health and well-being.

Lack of Genuine Emotional Connection

You know those heart-to-heart conversations we have at 2 a.m.? With a female narcissist, those can be rare. It’s often about them, their needs, and their narrative. Opening up or being vulnerable might be met with indifference or even mockery. The relationship feels more transactional than emotional.

Emotional Imbalance

Imagine a relationship where you’re always walking on eggshells, sounds exhausting, doesn’t it? That’s often what it feels like when dealing with a female narcissist. The relationship scales tip towards her emotions, leaving yours in the lurch. Over time, this lack of emotional reciprocity can leave you feeling isolated and undervalued.

Manipulative Tactics

Being with a female narcissist can sometimes feel like you’re caught in a psychological maze. Their mastery of manipulation can turn even a simple conversation into a strategic game. Often, you might find yourself second-guessing your actions, trying to predict her next move.

Lack of Genuine Empathy

Empathy, the simple act of understanding and sharing another’s feelings, can often be absent in a female narcissist’s emotional arsenal. It’s like reaching out in the dark, expecting a comforting hand and finding none. Genuine concerns or problems might be met with indifference or, worse, be turned around to how it affects her. This lack of empathy can result in partners feeling unheard and uncared for, a silent erosion in the relationship’s foundation.

How To Deal with A Female Narcissist?

Understanding and Patience

Firstly, understanding is crucial. Recognizing that the 7 signs of a female narcissist might stem from deeper unresolved issues can help in dealing with them. Remember, anger or confrontation might not always be the answer. Sometimes, a gentle conversation, sprinkled with patience, can make a difference.

Seek External Support

Walking alone on a path laden with challenges can be tough. Seek support, be it friends, family, or professional help. Sharing experiences, getting a third-person perspective, or simply having a shoulder to lean on can be therapeutic. Especially when dealing with the signs of a female narcissist, an external perspective might provide clarity.

Establish Clear Boundaries

It’s vital to mark out boundaries in any relationship, more so with a female narcissist. Whether it’s emotional, physical, or financial boundaries, being clear about what’s acceptable and what’s not can prevent many conflicts. Think of it as setting rules in a game, ensuring everyone plays fair.


Are all female narcissists harmful?

Not necessarily. Like all personality traits, there's a spectrum. It's the extreme ends that often result in toxic behaviors.

Can therapy help a female narcissist?

Absolutely! With the right professional guidance, anyone can work towards bettering themselves.

How do I know if I'm in a relationship with a female narcissist?

Identifying the 7 signs of a female narcissist is a start. If you feel consistently undervalued, manipulated, or emotionally drained, it might be time to assess the relationship.

Is narcissism more common in females?

Not really. Narcissism doesn't choose the gender. It's more about individual experiences and personality development.

Can a relationship with a female narcissist work?

With understanding, therapy, and mutual efforts, any relationship has the potential to work. But both parties need to be committed to change.

Is female narcissism a modern phenomenon, influenced by the age of social media?

While social media might amplify narcissistic tendencies, it's not solely responsible. The traits associated with the 7 signs of a female narcissist have been around for ages, but our hyper-connected world just puts them more in the spotlight.

Are these signs exclusive to females?

Not at all! Narcissism is not gender-specific. However, the way it manifests might vary based on societal influences, upbringing, and personal experiences.

Can one outgrow narcissistic tendencies?

Absolutely! With self-awareness, therapy, and a genuine desire to change, it's possible to overcome these tendencies.

How can one support a friend who shows signs of being a female narcissist?

Understanding, patience, and sometimes professional intervention can be key. Always approach the topic gently, ensuring they don't feel attacked.

Is it possible for a female narcissist to lead a happy, fulfilling relationship?

Yes, with mutual effort, understanding, and possibly therapy, relationships can navigate through the rough patches and find stability.


When piecing together the puzzle of human behavior, and specifically focusing on the 7 signs of a female narcissist, it’s imperative to tread with both empathy and caution. Relationships, friendships, or even fleeting interactions with someone who displays these traits can often feel like an emotional whirlwind. But, remember, it’s crucial to keep one’s well-being at the forefront. If ever you feel overwhelmed, just picture this: Your emotional health is like a lush, green plant. Without proper care, sunlight, and water, it begins to wilt. So, in relationships where you feel more drained than nurtured, it might be time to reconsider the dynamics.


  • American Psychiatric Association. (2013). Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders (DSM-5®). American Psychiatric Pub.
  • Ronningstam, E. (2016). Narcissistic personality disorder: a current review. Current Psychiatry Reports, 18(2), 11.
  • Malkin, C. (2015). Rethinking Narcissism: The Bad—and Surprising Good—About Feeling Special. HarperCollins.
  • Campbell, W. K., & Foster, C. A. (2007). The narcissistic self: Background, an extended agency model, and ongoing controversies. In C. Sedikides & S. Spencer (Eds.), The self (p. 115–138). New York, NY: Psychology Press.
  • Twenge, J.M., & Campbell, W.K. (2009). The narcissism epidemic: Living in the age of entitlement. Free Press.

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Leslie May
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Leslie May

Hi, I am Leslie B. May. I am a relationship expert with several years of experience. I run this blog to support people with different types of relationship problems and issues. In addition, I help people to get rid of psychological problems with simple but descriptive guides. Moreover, I love to write about tips and suggestions about relationships and help people decide wisely.