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10 Tips how do narcissists deal with breakups: Essential Steps

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  • Post last modified:March 7, 2023

How do narcissists deal with breakups? Breakups are difficult, and it is often hard to know how someone will react when they break up with you. how do narcissists deal with breakups? How can we best handle the situation if we find out that our partner is a narcissist? In this post, I’ll share 10 tips on what to do in those situations.

How Do Narcissists Deal With Breakups
How Do Narcissists Deal With Breakups

Narcissists don’t like feeling powerless. They need to control the relationship, and they may try everything from intimidation, guilt trips, or blaming you for their depression to keep it that way. How do narcissists deal with breakups? Narcissists are often unwilling partners because they want what is best for them but not necessarily for you. If he doesn’t feel loved by you or appreciated, there’s no reason for him to stay around. Here are a few tips on how to handle a breakup if your partner is narcissistic:

10 Tips How do narcissists deal with breakups

1. Blame you:

Narcissists people will blame you for everything from their depression to not being able to find a job. This is because they need someone else’s failure in order to feel better about themselves, and it could be hard if you’re the one who has let them down.

How can we best handle this situation? How do you deal with a selfish person who blames you for everything that goes wrong in their life? One way is to focus on your strengths and remind yourself of what a good job you’re doing with other things. Simply telling them, “No, I didn’t,” will help assert boundaries and show the narcissist.

2. Attempt to convince you you’ve made a mistake:

How can you handle a narcissistic person who tries to convince you that you made the wrong decision in leaving them or not giving them another chance? Remember, they are only saying this because they want what’s best for themselves. You don’t need to listen to their arguments and remember that if your partner is trying so hard, maybe it was worth fighting for, but now just isn’t the right time.


  • Be strong and maintain boundaries even when being criticized
  • Don’t give in if someone keeps telling you “no.”
  • Focus on other things like activities outside of work or hobbies
  • Know yourself and set limits from the beginning about how much energy you’re willing to give a relationship

3. Attempt to guilt-trip you into staying:

The guilt narcissist is a powerful tool to get you back in the relationship. How can you best handle a narcissistic partner who constantly tries to guilt-trip you into staying? How do I continue my relationship if it is destructive and toxic in the end, even though they are still showing me love now?

When dealing with an emotional manipulator like this, the most important thing is not getting caught up in their game. You don’t need them back or want them around more than they want to be there for you, so remember that your feelings are regardless of what they try on.

4. Demand attention, even after you’ve broken up:

It’s easy to leave a narcissist if you cut off communication as much as possible. But narcissists may be determined to get your attention. How do you handle a narcissist who demands your attention, even after you’ve broken up?

Don’t give in. You need to maintain boundaries because this person will try anything possible for you two to get back together. Remember when setting limits how important it is not to be manipulated by someone else’s desires or needs but instead focus on what YOU want out of life at any given moment.

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When dealing with an emotional manipulator like this, the most important thing is not getting caught up in their game. You don’t need them back or want them around more than they want to be there for you, so remember that your feelings are regardless of what they try on.

5. Promise to change:

If persuasion, guilt, and attentive behavior do not return you to the relationship, the narcissist pulls the promise of change. Suddenly the narcissist says they understand why you are upset and ready to leave. Then they try to convince you that they’ve changed and promise to do anything to please you. How does one handle a narcissist who promises change?

The first step is not giving in if the offer of changing seems unrealistically easy or fast because this person doesn’t really want to change for anyone but themselves. You should also consider what kind of changes are being a promised-for example, will these be permanent life changes, like going back to therapy regularly? Or just short-term fixes, like promising again no call your mother ever again? It’s important to remember that it can take time for someone else’s true intentions and feelings about their behavior may begin coming out.

It might take some time before the real nature of the relationship becomes clear enough so that you can tell if the narcissist is truly going to change or not. Know yourself and know when it’s time to walk away because there will always be another person out there who wants what you already have-your happiness.

6. Use social attacks and gossip:

It’s hard to end your relationship with a narcissist because the narcissist claims that everyone you know has chosen his side. How do you handle a narcissist who uses social attacks and gossip to get what they want?

It’s important not to let the narcissist know how much their actions have affected you. You may need therapy to help work through that pain, but don’t share it with them because they will only use it against you. It can be hard when people in your life are ex-friends or acquaintances of the narcissistic partner, but keep up boundaries by avoiding contact as much as possible if this is happening for too long.

7. Don’t get into arguments about who did what wrong:

This will always leave one person as the victim and the other as an abuser, so it is counterproductive when dealing with someone narcissistic. How do you handle a narcissist who doesn’t want to take responsibility for their actions?

It’s important not to get into arguments with a narcissistic person about who did what wrong. This will always leave one person as the victim and the other as an abuser, so it is counterproductive when dealing with someone narcissistic. It can be hard because this kind of emotional abuse usually happens over time, but try your best not to argue or engage at all if possible-you’ll come out on top in the end if you don’t react at all!

8. Don’t take responsibility for their feelings:

Don’t take responsibility for their feelings, and be careful not to criticize them or blame yourself when they’re upset.

It’s important to remember that the way someone feels today may not be how they feel tomorrow. It can be hard when dealing with an emotional manipulator like this but try your best not to take responsibility for their feelings again. It just doesn’t work and will only make things worse. How does one handle a narcissist who needs constant reassurance from others about themselves or what they’re doing?

You might have more success by giving them small doses of praise instead of continual criticism if you want to give feedback on something they did wrong or are feeling badly about. It would be best to keep in mind these comments should always be truthful, not backfire.

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9. Plays the Casanova:

If their primary interest in relationships is novel from the beginning, a narcissist will act like it.

“Casanova doesn’t think too deeply about their partner. They wouldn’t expect a long-term relationship. They just want to have fun,” says Mary Theroux-Slaughter.


How does one handle a narcissist who plays the Casanova? It’s important not to take it personally when someone is only interested in you for short periods. How do you know if your partner is narcissistic? The best way to figure out if they’re a narcissist or not is by talking with them about their feelings and values because that will show up over time too!

10. There’s never a right time to leave:

Being with a narcissist can be incredibly hard, especially if they’re on the opposite side of your values.

The best thing is not to waste time and energy waiting for them to change when it’s clear they won’t. There may never come a “right” time or moment, but there will always be another person out there that wants what you already have-your happiness! How does one live life after being in an abusive relationship?

You need to take care of yourself first by doing things like eating well, getting enough sleep, and staying active so that you don’t turn into someone else just because this happened too! You might also find relief by talking about what happened.

What is a narcissist?

Narcissism is a personality disorder that is characterized by an inflated sense of self. The narcissist will be easily offended if their sense of superiority is challenged and will lash out verbally or even physically in response to criticism. Narcissistic personalities are often unwilling to share credit with others, which hinders any team efforts.

Narcissist Person
Narcissist Person

They may also try to control others and manipulate them into doing what they want. If you suspect there’s a narcissist in your life, it’s important to learn the signs so you can better manage interactions with them and protect yourself from abuse!

Why do people become narcissists?

In the past few years, narcissism has been a topic of great interest in popular media and academia. There are many opinions on what causes people to become narcissists, but there is still no conclusive answer.

A narcissist is a person who has an inflated or grandiose sense of their importance and the need for admiration. If you have been around someone like this before, you know that they are not easy to deal with. They may be charming at first glance, but underneath it all, they are selfish and self-centered.

How do covert narcissists deal with breakups?

The first thing to know about covert narcissists is that they may not even be aware that they are narcissists. How do you know if someone is a narcissist? They might be difficult to deal with because they have an inflated sense of their own importance and the need for admiration.

How Do Covert Narcissists Deal With Breakups
How Do Covert Narcissists Deal With Breakups

The best thing is not to waste time waiting for them when it’s clear that there won’t ever come a “right” moment or time. There are plenty more people out there who want what you already have, your happiness! How does one live life after being in an abusive relationship? You’ll first need to take care of yourself by eating well, getting enough sleep, and staying active so as not to turn into someone else just because this happened too! Talking about what happened may also provide relief.

How a narcissist behaves after a breakup

Through repeated and extreme exposure to their boasting, narcissists are people who have lost connection with the reality of other people. This disconnection from reality often leads narcissism to a deep sense of entitlement that manifests in exploitative behaviors.

How A Narcissist Behaves After A Breakup
How A Narcissist Behaves After A Breakup

Narcissists feel entitled to anything they want and can’t understand why anyone would say “no” or refuse them something they desire. After a break up, this entitlement is challenged as the person must come to terms with the loss of their partner. And any sense of control over their lives and objects they may have possessed (the ex). A narcissist will typically behave in one or more ways after a breakup:

  • They feel entitled to the person they lost, so find someone new and take them for everything they’re worth.
  • In order to cope with the loss of their partner, they will engage in self-destructive behaviors such as drug or alcohol addiction. This can often lead to violence against oneself or others.
  • How they behave will depend on the nature of their relationship with their ex.
  • If there was a marriage, divorce might be called for because the narcissist’s sense of entitlement has been challenged, and they are behaving in self-destructive ways to cope. The person who left them is often blamed and then vilified as being “
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Do narcissistic exes come back?

I’m sure you’ve heard about the “narcissist ex” and how they are usually impossible to get over. Well, I have some good news for you. Narcissists do come back! The key is learning how to handle them before they return and repeat their old tactics.

Hi, I’m here to answer whether narcissistic exes come back as someone who has been there because no one wants to get hurt again. However, if you find yourself wondering about your ex and want some insight into what they’re up to now, then read on! 

It can be hard when you’re in love with someone who only loves you, but don’t let that stop you from trying to move on. The best thing for everyone is for the narcissist not to return, so make sure that doesn’t happen by following these steps:

1) try new hobbies

2) talk with friends

3) take care of yourself

4) learn how to say “no.”

5) focus on other people

6) never call or contact them

and lastly, you might need to go out of your way to protect yourself from the narcissist’s rage.

What are the weaknesses of a narcissist?

Are you interested in knowing what the weaknesses of a narcissist are? Narcissists have a lot of strengths, but they also have some serious weaknesses. You might think that narcissistic people are just out to get their own way, and while this is true, there are many other reasons why these people do not succeed in life. Here we will explore the most common causes for failure among narcissists so that you can better understand them and how to deal with them!

Here we have the most common causes of failure among narcissists that you should keep in mind:

  • They will take advantage of others for their own benefit
  • Their sense of entitlement doesn’t allow them to see why someone would say no or refuse something they desire (after a break up)
  • How they behave after a breakup depends on whether there was marriage or not. If there was a marriage, divorce may be called for because the sense of entitlement has been challenged. If there was no marriage, then no more than after one date is generally what they will seek out
  • Narcissists don’t take responsibility and blame others or circumstances for their failure.
  • They lack empathy, which means they don’t care how others feel about themselves or the world around them as long as it doesn’t affect them personally. 


Psychologists have debated the question of how narcissists deal with breakups for a long time. It’s important to understand that the answer is different depending on whether you’re talking about narcissistic personality disorder or just an average person who exhibits narcissistic tendencies.

There are three stages in their breakup process for people suffering from NPD, and I’ll go over those below so you can better prepare yourself if things ever get difficult between the two of us. If your partner deals with breakups differently than this – don’t worry! That doesn’t mean they have some mental illness; everyone handles stressors differently, and it may take them some time before they start to feel better again after a tough situation.

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Leslie May

Hi, I am Leslie B. May. I am a relationship expert with several years of experience. I run this blog to support people with different types of relationship problems and issues. In addition, I help people to get rid of psychological problems with simple but descriptive guides. Moreover, I love to write about tips and suggestions about relationships and help people decide wisely.