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How to break up with a Virgo man? Best 10 Tips you should know

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  • Post last modified:March 7, 2023

How to break up with a Virgo man? Virgos are very hardworking, and they can sometimes be too focused on the details, which might not necessarily be a negative trait, but it can become one if someone else is involved, such as a girlfriend. To maintain healthy relationships with them, you should learn how to break up with them properly.

Mercury rules them, and they love to communicate as well. Maybe you should have a discussion with him rather than breaking up without any prior notice? This is the best way to break up with a Virgo man, at least one that loves communicating so much.

Break Up With A Virgo Man
Break Up With A Virgo Man

The Virgo man is a thinker, and he wants to know why you are breaking up with him. He will expect a good explanation for your decision, so it’s best, to be honest, and straightforward. Be sure that you have thought the breakup through before approaching him because if you don’t, he’ll find ways of making his life difficult to get what he wants.

How to break up with a Virgo man

The Virgo man is a hard nut to crack. They are very analytical and judgmental, which can make them seem cold or unapproachable. However, they are also loyal, intelligent, and considerate partners who will work tirelessly for their loved ones. To break up with him, you need to respect his feelings while still maintaining your integrity. It might take some time, but if you want it done right, you have to do it yourself! 

Here’s how you should go about breaking up with a Virgo man-

1. Do not lead him on

He will need time to think things over, analyze and process the information that you are giving him in a relationship. He might appear calm on the outside, but inside he is going through a lot of emotional turmoil and negativity if he realizes that you are breaking up with him. It would help if you never put this on him; give him the time that he needs.

2. Don’t use harsh words

Disrespecting a Virgo man will only make things worse for you in the long run because they are not the kind of men who can easily get over insults or breakups. If you want to leave them, be kind about it and not use abusive or harsh words. They will put together the pieces of their broken hearts with time.

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3. Don’t leave him speechless

He might appear calm on the outside, but deep within, he is going through a lot of turmoil and negativity if he realizes that you are breaking up with him. You shouldn’t give him the time to sort things out, and you should give it to him on your terms.

4. Talk about the present, don’t talk about the future

He might appear calm on the outside, but deep within, he is going through a lot of turmoil and negativity if he realizes that you are breaking up with him. Don’t tell them that you don’t think they are your soul mates; describe what he did wrong in the relationship.

5. Give him space, but not too much

You might be tempted to avoid him if you know that he is hurt and sad over the breakup, but this is when Virgo men need a lot of love and attention. Give them their space, but don’t ignore them completely.

6. The break up should be done in person and not over the phone or email

While a Virgo man might appear to be calm on the outside, they are very upset and hurt if you decide to send an email or leave a message informing him about your decision to break up. If you must, talk to him on the phone instead of sending an email or a text message.

7. Do not give it as a pretext

He might appear calm on the outside, but deep within, he is going through a lot of turmoil and negativity if he realizes that you are breaking up with him. Please don’t give him a long explanation about why you are breaking up with him. He might get angry and rant on about how he is going to change his ways.

8. Don’t tell it as a problem

He might appear calm on the outside, but deep within, he is going through a lot of turmoil and negativity if he realizes that you are breaking up with him. Do not tell him that he’s too boring or predictable for you. Give some solid reasons for breaking up with them-

  1. if they are flitting around in the relationship, then it is a good idea to leave them because this might indicate serious issues.
  2. If you are unsatisfied with their attitude towards commitment, then you should break up with them. Showing off to your colleagues might be their way of trying to make you jealous and get attention from you. This is not a positive sign!
  3. If they are starting fights or arguments with you for trivial reasons, this can cause serious stress in a relationship. Leave him because you deserve better treatment.
  4. If they are not putting in any effort to keep the relationship alive and healthy, it is probably best that you leave them.
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9. Do not keep it in until you are at the breaking point

He might appear calm on the outside, but deep within, he is going through a lot of turmoil and negativity if he realizes that you are breaking up with him. Please don’t wait for something big to happen between the two of you before telling him that you don’t want to be his girlfriend.

10. Do not be smug about the breakup

It might hurt him very much when you break up with him, but don’t rub it in his face. Leave a few days before calling him back to ask if he’s alright and see how he is doing. You can even offer some help if he needs someone to talk to.

Top 5 things to know about the breakup with a Virgo man:

It is common knowledge that Virgos are known for being perfectionists, which can be frustrating to deal with. In some cases, it may be worth it to stick around if you find yourself in a relationship with one of these men, but there are also five red flags to watch out for a while dating one.

Here are the top 5 things you should know about breaking up with a Virgo man:  

1) They’re not always looking for someone who will let them have their way all the time 

2) You’ll never get bored because he’s constantly coming up with new ideas 3) He can seem cold and distant at first 

4) He has high expectations of people 

5) If you want him to commit, then his mother must approve.

A Virgo man maybe someone interested in making you happy and satisfying your every need, but at the same time, he needs to be appreciated. And on top of that, he has his own set of expectations when it comes to being treated by a significant other as well.

Also Read:

Virgos And Breakups
How To Know When A Virgo Man Is Done With You
Things You Need to Know to Win The Heart Of A Virgo Man

How does a Virgo man handle a breakup?

In many cases, a Virgo man may handle the breakup better than you think he will. He may even be relieved that it’s over and won’t stay friends with his ex because he doesn’t want to deal with someone who causes him so much stress.

How does a Virgo man handle a breakup

If you’re in a relationship with a Virgo man, then it’s best to remember that while they can be sweet and kind at times, when the going gets tough, he might retreat into his shell. Naturally, he dislikes confrontation of any kind and will not confront someone unless necessary.

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A Virgo man is an intelligent, detail-oriented, and analytical individual. He typically starts to feel insecure about the relationship if he feels that his needs are not being met or feels like he doesn’t have enough time for himself. When handling a breakup, you can bet on him being pragmatic and straightforward with his emotions.

Giving a Virgo Man a Second Chance

A woman in a relationship with a Virgo man should never give up on him. A Virgo is most likely to be turned off by someone who comes across as too demanding or, worse, needy. They need their space, and they want you to come after them if you want something from them.

They will not make the first move, so don’t wait for that chance! If he doesn’t give you what you want, get it yourself. It’s easy enough for him to say no, but when he says yes, it’s because he wants to please you even more than his own needs, which are usually pretty high up there.

That’s why keeping the relationship alive and healthy is probably best that you leave them.

They say opposites attract, but it isn’t always the case. If two people who are too different are thrown together, they often don’t know how to deal with one another and end up trying to change each other or fighting over the important things to them. For instance, a Virgo man is likely to require lots of personal space and freedom while you may be drawn to someone who wants to spend all their time with you.

The best thing to do is talk it out without pointing fingers and develop ways for both of you to get what you want and need. In other words, if he wants to be alone, then let him have that time for himself.

The Last Word

If you are looking for advice on how to break up with a Virgo man, we have some tips that may help. 

First of all, make sure the timing is right and no conflict or drama is going on in your relationship before making any decisions about ending it. 

Second, don’t get into an argument if he brings up anything sensitive like trust issues or intimacy problems because this will only cause him to dig his heels in further. Instead, try telling him what you want from the future without blaming him for things not working out between you two; be honest and put yourself first by listening well and asking questions when necessary during such conversations.

Finally, keep your distance from each other after breakup occurs because this sign can have trouble letting go once they’ve invested themselves into something significant like a relationship (or love).

For more information about these tips, please leave us a comment below for advice or any queries.

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Leslie May

Hi, I am Leslie B. May. I am a relationship expert with several years of experience. I run this blog to support people with different types of relationship problems and issues. In addition, I help people to get rid of psychological problems with simple but descriptive guides. Moreover, I love to write about tips and suggestions about relationships and help people decide wisely.